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10 Fast Ways To Lose Weight With Little or No Exercise

Your weight-loss journey starts with a straightforward practice of foods and beverages that you can consume. It can be challenging to maintain a diet plan or even to perform regular exercise. It's important to understand what to avoid and what not to avoid. This article is a gateway to your dreams.

image - 10 Fast Ways To Loss Weight With Little or No Exercise

Things You Must Do to Lose Weight

1. Reduce Sugar intake  

It can be difficult to completely cut off sugar from your diet. However, being aware of the consequences of regularly ingesting sugary meals and beverages will help you learn how to cut your throat.

When it comes to health, sugar's reputation is ambivalent. Foods include one of two forms of sugar. Plant sugar and added sugar are what they are.

All foods that include carbs, including fruits and vegetables, grains, and dairy products, naturally contain sugar. It's acceptable to eat complete foods that have natural sugar in them. Dairy foods contain protein and calcium, whereas plant meals are rich in fiber, vital minerals, and antioxidants.

Added sugars are frequently referred to as "empty calories" since they include a lot of calories but no essential nutrients like fiber, protein, fat, vitamins, or minerals that your body needs to function properly.

Additionally, ice cream, candy, soda, and cookies—along with other meals and drinks that frequently include a lot of added sugar—often have a high caloric content.

Due to its high-calorie content and lack of other nutrients, too much sugar may make you gain weight. For instance, the typical sweetener corn syrup has 120 calories in 2 teaspoons (30 ml), all of which come from carbohydrates.

Although eating meals high in added sugars on a daily basis may speed up and intensify the process of gaining additional body fat, utilizing little amounts of added sugar is unlikely to result in weight gain.

·       You have to cut your sugar intake.

2. Drink Lots of Water

Yes, drinking a lot of water may help you lose weight.

According to science, water can aid in fat loss in a variety of ways. It might reduce hunger and speed up metabolism.

If your goal is long-term, moderate body fat, make sure you feed your body plenty of water. Although many other circumstances, actions, and predispositions might alter your body weight.

Here are eight reasons why increasing your water intake could aid in weight loss:

·       Water may naturally suppress your appetite

·       Drinking water may help you lose weight naturally.

·       Your metabolism might be boosted by drinking water.

·       Your overall liquid calorie intake may be decreased by drinking water.

·       Water assists the body in eliminating waste.

·       For fat loss, the body requires water.

·       Water could increase motivation and lessen stress.

·       Water improves cognitive function

·       Give your body enough water

3. Take Enough Vitamin C Daily

It is important to understand that higher vitamin C intake cannot help you lose weight if you consume extra calories.

If you want to lose weight or prevent further weight gain, you need to limit caloric intake, eat a balanced diet, and engage in physical activity. Vitamin C can aid in healthy weight loss if you control overall caloric intake and include physical activity in your daily routine.

Dosage intake

The recommended dietary allowance of vitamin C for adults is 65 mg to 90 mg per day. The maximum limit is 2,000 mg a day

Eating vitamin C-rich foods in excess is unlikely to cause problems. However, very high doses of supplements can cause problems like nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, heartburn, stomach cramps, insomnia, and headache.

Examples of vitamin C-rich foods include:

·       Citrus Fruit like oranges (70 mg of vitamin C in a medium orange) and grapefruit (64 mg in a medium grapefruit)

·       Tropical fruits like guavas (125 mg in one guava) and kiwis (70 mg in one medium kiwi)

·       Orange juice (93 mg in 3/4-cup)

·       Red peppers (95 mg in 1/2 cup)

·       Yellow peppers (135 mg in 1/2 cup)

·       Black currants (100 mg in 1/2 cup)

·       Kale (80 mg in 1 cup)

Most people don't need to take vitamin C supplements because a balanced diet usually contains enough of them.

·       Vitamin C is good when exercise is added

4. Eat More Protein Foods

More crucial than the number of hours spent in the gym are a person's healthy eating habits for burning fat.

For weight loss and a more attractive figure, protein is the single most crucial food. Dieting with a lot of protein may help you control your appetite, which may aid in fat loss.

By including additional protein-rich foods in your meals, you must test it out. Allow yourself a week and gradually increase your protein intake.

Protein-rich foods include, for example:

·       Beans

·       Millet

·       Eggs

·       Chicken/Turkey

·       Goat Meat

·       Moi Moi

·       Akara (Beans Cake)

·       Pork


·       Major your meals on proteinous foods

5. Eat Healthy Carbohydrates

Certain carbohydrates can be found in foods that are high in calories. While there are healthful carbs that have fewer calories as well.

Basically, there are three types of carbohydrates:

·       Simple Carbohydrates

·       Complex Carbohydrates

·       Dietary Fiber

Simple Carbohydrates: Are primarily found naturally in fruits and vegetables, but they are also present in "added sugar" found in refined grains and processed foods. Simple and refined carbohydrates burn quickly, increasing your blood sugar and causing it to fall. Long-term weight gain may result from this, as well as a hunger for additional carbohydrates.

Complex Carbohydrates: Consists of extended sugar molecule chains. Due to the fact that it takes your body longer to digest and break down these carbohydrates for energy, they help you feel fuller for longer.

Dietary fiber: This is a long chain of sugar molecules, similar to complex carbohydrates, but it cannot be broken down by the body into energy. Instead, dietary fiber contributes bulk to keep your digestive system functioning and to make you feel full.

Examples of healthy carbs you can feed on:

·       Sweet potatoes

·       Oatmeal

·       Wheat Pasta

·       Wheat bread

·       Legumes

·       Banana

·       Cherries

·       Apples

·       Blueberries

·       Broccoli

·       Spinach

·       Avoid added sugar carbs and eat more healthy carbs

6. Avoid Starchy foods

Along with sugars and fiber, starch is one of three types of carbohydrates. Like all carbs, it provides glucose - your body and brain's main fuel. While many starchy foods, such as whole grains and legumes, are highly nutritious, many processed varieties are not.

Some examples of starchy foods to avoid:

·       White Rice

·       Processed Casava Meal

·       Yam

·       Refined Bread

·       Salty Snacks

·       Commercial Cakes

·       Cookies

·       Processed Potatoes

·       Starchy food can only make you gain more weight, avoid it

7. Avoid Chewing gums

There are numerous drawbacks to chewing gum. Instead of assisting with weight loss, it improves weight and exposes the body to more needless risks.

·       Chewing gums pumps air in when chewed

·       It makes you hungry and increases your craving for foods

·       Chewing gums can disorganize your digestive system

·       Gums can give you cancer

·       Gums leave you with a headache

·       Gums bring damage to your brain

·       Your jaw will get stressed out after chewing

·       Quit chewing to help you lose weight.

8. Avoid Much Stress

Your body releases the hormone cortisol when you're under stress. Increased cortisol levels can:

·       Raise your blood pressure

·       Raise your blood sugar

·       Make you crave fatty and sugary foods

All of these things can make it harder for you to lose weight. Contrary to popular belief, stress has a significant impact on both your waistline and your weight loss ability. Numerous studies, for instance, demonstrate how stress and a lack of sleep can raise cortisol levels (the stress hormone).

·       Make sure not to overstress yourself.

9.  Give Your Body Adequate Rest

Getting too little sleep can alter the balance of our hormones. This can lead us to eat more food and gain weight. That’s why getting enough sleep can help you to resist tempting food.

Sleep has a major impact on our health and quality of life. We need between seven and nine hours of good sleep every night in order for our body and brain to rest and recover. Less than that and our ability to concentrate may suffer, our immune system may weaken, and we end up eating more food – and often more unhealthy food – than we need to.

·       Take adequate time to rest

 10. Go on a Casual Walk

It is important to note that casual walking offers many potential health benefits, including weight loss. It is also one of the easiest and most cost-effective forms of exercise a person can do. Many people can walk regularly and reap the benefits of being more active.

·       Give your body a casual walk.


If you truly care about yourself, take on this challenge and lose weight. You have to discipline yourself to make this goal a success. Every goal in life is achieved with determination and self-discipline. You can give this a trial by carrying out these practices on a daily routine.


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